Diana Fountain - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
The Woodland Gardens - Bushy Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Deer in Pond Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks
Jubilee Fountain - Home Park Join / Renew Membership Make a Donation
The Friends of
Bushy and Home Parks



As the Visitor Centre has been closed, we have been unable to sell the Bushy Park honey which many of you love. The beekeepers have had to deal with a few mishaps during the Spring, with some damage and disasters affecting several hives. Despite that, the remaining bees continue to produce, and it is hoped that we can start selling the honey again as soon as we re-open the Visitor Centre. In case that is not soon, we are also examining the possibility of a “click and collect” service via our online shop on the new website. We want to keep you sweet

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