If you wish to report an incident or problem to the park authorities please contact the following, as appropriate.
Bushy Park Manager – Phil Edwards: bushy@royalparks.org.uk
Bushy Park Office: bushy@royalparks.org.uk Telephone 0300 061 2250
Metropolitan Police: https://www.met.police.uk/a/your-area/met/royal-parks/bushy-park/ Call 101 to report crimes or other concerns. Call 999 to report emergencies.
The Royal Parks HQ: hq@royalparks.org.uk
Home Park contact: info@hrp.org.uk
Friends Chair – Colin Muid: chair@fbhp.org.uk Telephone 0208 941 2286
Friends Memberships’ – Membership Secretary: membersec@fbhp.org.uk
Friends Newsletter Editor: newsletter@fbhp.org.uk
Walks and Talks: Organiser Rebecca Harvey walksandtalks@fbhp.org.uk.