Diana Fountain - Bushy Park
The Woodland Gardens - Bushy Park
Deer in Pond
Jubilee Fountain - Home Park

Parks User Organisations

The following organisations also have close links to these parks. Some operate services within the park, based at the Bushy Park Stockyard, some use the park regularly but are based elsewhere. There are a number of sports clubs based in Bushy Park. Local community associations neighbouring the two parks have close involvement with the parks and the Friends.
Service Providers in Bushy Park

Field Studies Council (FSC) – Bushy Park
The Field Studies Council, based at the Stockyard, provides courses for school groups, adults and families, in the area of meadowland and ponds not open to the public.

Companion Cycling
Companion Cycling is a charity which enables people with special needs, regardless of their age or ability, to cycle on specially adapted cycles in the peaceful surroundings of Bushy Park in South West London.

Riding for the Disabled Association
At RDA, our horses and ponies provide therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities all over the UK. Our network of 500 volunteer groups organise activities such as riding, carriage driving, vaulting and show jumping to up to 28,000 people each year.

Horse Rangers
The Horse Rangers Association is a registered charity and was founded in 1954 by Raymond Gordon, we were originally based at Shepperton. Through Royal connections, the charity was relocated to the Royal Mews, Hampton Court during the 1960s where we have continued to develop and grow.

Local Health Walks (including Bushy Park)
Health Walks in Bushy Park organised by London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Other health walks are also listed.

Sports Clubs in the Parks

Hampton Court Palace Golf Club
Whether you are looking for golf membership, a day out with friends or colleagues; or a venue for an event or wedding, Hampton Court Palace Golf Club is the perfect choice.

Set in the grounds of Hampton Court Palace near Kingston upon Thames in Surrey, the golf club has the enviable accolade of being the only course in the country set within the grounds of a Royal Park.

Teddington Cricket Club
Teddington Cricket Club is believed to have been playing cricket since 1827, and took up residency in the Bushy Park in 1863.

While the 1st XI provides an opportunity for a high standard of cricket, in running four XIs on a Saturday and a Club XI on Sundays, the club aims to provide cricket for all abilities and levels of commitment. Its junior section is one of the most successful and largest in the country, taking children from under 6s, and teaching them to enjoy the game as well as its technical side.

Hampton Hill Cricket Club

Hampton Hill Cricket Club is a historic club based in the picturesque Bushy Park, it was established in 1855 and has been a continual presence ever since.

An integral part of the Hampton Hill community it prides itself on being a family club, investing significantly in cricket for the under 18s (Colts teams) as well as putting out five senior cricket teams each weekend.

Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club
The website for the HWRCC, a long-established club founded in 1863 and based in Bushy Park at the Hampton Wick end of the park.

Teddington Town Cricket Club
The club is based in Bushy Park near the Coleshill Road gate.

Teddington NPL Cricket
Cricket section of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) Sports Club.

Teddington Rugby Football Club
The rugby club is based at the same venue as Teddington Town Cricket Club in Bushy Park.

Park Run
Park Run is a free and very popular 5k run in Bushy Park held every Saturday at 09.00. It is you against the clock and is a friendly event organised entirely by volunteers. To take part you need to sign in for a free barcode which you need to print out and bring so that you can record your times.

Local Community Associations

The following community associations border the parks and have strong links through their members with the Friends of Bushy and Home Parks. They have often been donors to Friends’ projects. And they share many of the same interests in conserving the parks.

The Hampton Society
The Hampton Society is primarily concerned with the protection and development of the local environment, both built and natural, and to ensure that the provision of amenities enhances the quality of life for the residents of Hampton.

The Hampton Wick Association
The Hampton Wick Association (HWA) was formed over 40 years ago originally to oppose proposals to build a flyover from Kingston that would have demolished a large section of the village. Since that fight was won, the Association has gone on supporting the local community by maintaining a watch on local issues that may affect our environment, residents or local businesses.

The Kingston upon Thames Society
The Kingston upon Thames Society exists to promote high standards of planning, conservation and design in the Royal Borough.

The Teddington Society
The Teddington Society was formed in 1973 by a group of local residents, whose wish it was to preserve the character of the town and support local community projects. And this remains the aim of the Society today.

Links to Other Nature Groups

Amphibian & Reptile Conservation
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation formed from the merger between Froglife and the Herpetological Conservation Trust on 7 July 2009.

Bat Conservation Trust
Umbrella organisation for the growing number of bat groups in the UK.

British Deer Society
A charity working to enable British deer to flourish now and in the future.

British Disabled Anglers Association
Developing opportunities for disabled people to access the activity of fishing in the UK.

British Trust for Ornithology
Birdwatching and science in partnership.

Europe’s only charity dedicated to conserving invertebrates, including Britain’s rarest little animals.

Disabled Birders Association
Seeking to improve access for people with disabilities to reserves, facilities and services.

Dogs Trust
The largest dog welfare charity in the UK.

Forest Research
The research agency of The Forestry Commission, promoting environmentally acceptable measures for controlling pests and disease in Britain’s trees.

National Federation of Anglers
National Rural/NFA
Encouraging angling at all levels.

The only charity working solely for the protection of wild plants and fungi.

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Protecting birds and their habitats.

Wild about Britain

Registered charity seeking to raise awareness of the wildlife and environment of Great Britain.

Wildlife Trusts
The UK’s largest voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the UK’s wildlife habitats and species.

The Woodland Trust
The UK’s leading woodland conservation charity.

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